New Member - How young can you feed chicks treats?

They'll have grit accessable all the time so I plan on giving mine treats whenever just as long as it's a treat I'll start out with a very finely chopped hard boiled egg the first week and see how they do, second or third week add in a few meal worms depending on when they might be ready and then when they get big enough throw in a few crickets!

But Remember they have to have grit to have treats I plan on having a bowl free choice but you can also sprinkle it on their food before or after you give them treats HTH's
My chicks are a little over a week old. I tried feeding them a small amount of mashed hard-boiled egg but they didn't seem to recognize it as food. I served it on a plastic lid, so maybe it was hard to see? Or maybe they just didn't like it? They walked all over it and pecked all around it (I sprinkled some starter on top), but never actually ate any of the egg. Thoughts?
I did the same thing when my chicks were a week old and they responded just like yours. Now they're 3 and 4 weeks old so I plan on trying again. BTW, I gave my 9 mos. old cockerel some treats on a paper plate and he acted like he didn't see it. When I sprinkled it on the ground he went to town, eating and scratching. I guess they prefer casual dining over fine dining!
My 2 week olds have only had eggs once and yogurt once. I will start with real treats when they are 3 weeks old:)

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