New Member Info - Trista, coordinator of the Tryst Inn


14 Years
Sep 16, 2009
Western Massachusetts
(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?

Today: I was picking up additional ducks for our home flock (we didn't get enough ducklings when the feedstore had them) and the woman had the chickens in a very small critter cage in the pickup and begged me to take them. I felt bad for them sitting in that tiny cage in the pickup and brought them home. Then immediately hit BYC for information on caring for the new flappers.

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?
Five chickens (& 22 ducks)

(3) What breeds do you have?
2 Rhode Island Reds (Scarlet & Ruby)
2 Leghorns (br: Betty & wh: Flossy)
1 Easter Egg Rooster (at least, we think so) Roobios

7 Khaki Campbells (6 ducks, 1 drake) - Lucky Penny (aka Zombie duck), Madame & Bianca, Bernie, Breakfast, Lunch & Supper
2 Rouens (1 duck/1 drake) - Nera & Brutus
1 Runner (duck) - Luca
1 Black Swede (duck) - Babs
3 Blue Swedes (2 ducks/1 drake) - Nanny Oog, Granny Weatherwax & Magrat, Rincewind
2 Blue Swede/Khaki Campbell mixes (ducks) - Agnes & Tiff
2 Cayuga mix (drakes) - Snack & Dinner
2 Magpies - Anastasia & Lavadia
2 Chocolate Anconas - Tatiana & Catherina

What can I say? I love diversity! (In my own defense, I didn't name them Hubby & B-I-L did!)

(4) How did you find out about

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?
Incense making (have an online business), reading, meditation

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.

U.S. Navy wife with time to spare while hubby is on the boat. Part-time bookstore clerk while I prepare for graduate school (psychology).

Other pets (all rescues)
Gracie, Border Collie (herder of ducks)
Flash, Basset Hound (bookstore greeter)
Doodle, Basset Hound (competes with the Roo for howling in the a.m.)
Libby, calico cat (barn cat & neighborhood rat killer extraordinaire!)
Fudge, retired house cat

5 rabbits
Martha Grahamcracker - Rex mix
Winken & Nod - English Angoras
Thistle - spotted mini-lop
Noir - mini-rex
Well hi!
from the other corner of the continent!

That's a LOT of animals, even by MY standards! I guess because you don't sound like you're going to eat many of them.... Not the cats, anyways.

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