New Member Intro and Four Yolk 3.415oz Super-Egg


7 Years
Sep 6, 2012
Grays Harbor County, Wa
Hi! I'll just get right on with the base questions.

(1) How many chickens do you have right now?

14 layers, 4 bantams (one rooster), and 6 meat hybrids.

(2) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?

The layers are my first chickens. Also had another batch of meat hybrids but they were harvested months ago. Quite tasty.

(3) What breeds do you have?

Layers: 3 Black Star, 4 New Hampshire Red, 3 Dark Cornish and 4 Buff Orpington.
Bantams: No idea
Meat Hybrids: Jumbo Cornish X Rocks

(4) How did you find out about

Doing chicken related research in google.

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?

Gardening, electronics, photography/videography, astrophotography, video editing/image processing, anything emitting large amounts of photons (both coherent and non-coherent).

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.

I thought folks here would like this video I took a couple days ago of cracking a huge four yolk egg that a Jumbo Cornish X Rocks managed to lay. Knew something was up due to the size and weight, so I setup a tripod and camera to capture cracking it open. Very glad I did.
I understand most people don't keep meat hybrids around long enough to lay, but they are doing quite well. No leg problems. thinks she's some sort of stunt-chicken and climbs up on tall things, jumps off flapping away and then limps around for a day or two.

A big thanks to current and past members for all the information I've found on here and used to take the best possible care of my flock.
Thank you everyone for the very warm welcome! The new user experience is really quite good here. Great job by the admin and/or mod team putting the right documents in new users faces.

One quick question: I was thinking of starting another thread outside of this one on the topic of the four folked egg. Perhaps in the egg laying behavior subforum. Does this violate any forum rules in any way?

Thanks everyone!

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