New Member Introduction


In the Brooder
Apr 14, 2020
Hello everyone, I am from Framingham MA; 30 minutes from Boston, Massachusetts. In my earlier days my father and I used to spend hours in our pigeon coop watching the birds pair up make their nesting and raise their chicks. We got real excited when two pigeons we really liked got together. We couldn’t wait to see what their babies would look like. A lot of great memories of my dad and me during those days. I recently saw a YouTube video of Pomeranian Pouters and Reversed-Wing Pouters and I am hooked again.

As I began looking on the internet to see where I could get one pair of pouter pigeons to begin with; this web site kept coming up. I was a little hesitant joining the site since I wasn't looking for chickens and the site name is "Back yard chickens", I joined anyway and happy I did. There is a lot of great information and user community feedback, even about pigeons.

Thank you,

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