New member introductions

Kellie jordan

7 Years
Aug 23, 2012
Lawrenceburg Kentucky
(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I would consider myself new to chickens. Some 30 years ago with my ex who was a farmer; we had chickens but at the time I worked full time and so all i did run to the barn and feed them in the mornings and cleaning the pen didnt like it much. I have always been more partial to ducks.

(2) How many chickens do you have right now? we started out with 6 red pullets and 6 I am not sure what they are, we got them at tractor supply and they said Americaunas (sp) but they do not look like them and 6 mallard ducks. We have 3 pullets and one Americaunas (if that is what they are) rooster and one brown hen

(4) How did you find out about googling all the questions i had.

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.
I am a housewife, and mother of a blind son who is recovering from brain surgery, and has Physical Therapy 2 times a week. before that i assisted him while he was going to college. He is 3 semesters away from his degree and hoping after he gets his training and gets a guide dog he will finish school and live on his own. We also have 2 Schnauzers and a mix breed pup who keeps me busy.
Greetings from Kansas, Kellie jordan, and
! Glad you joined our community! Best of luck with your poultry!
I grew up on a huge produce tobacco and livestock farm..The day I was born I was giving my first baby chick it grew up with me it was a banie rooster who didnt paticularly like the time i was four i got my first bottle fed calf..Im now 26 and have a 2 year old & a 7 year old daughter who i would love for them experience alot of the farm life like i last week after my youngest daughters dog passed away 3weeks earlier..She was given 2 yellow buff young chickens..They are quite charming & very tame..The rooster henry loves sleeping on my lap yet birdie is still young tame but still alil stand offish..I'm a part time CNA I specialize in the daily developments & life of alzhiemers & dementia patients.. I am a stay @ home for the most part with my daughters..My husband works full time & wasn't into the whole chicken ideal but like a wonderful husband that he is he let us keep them..Which know he's even really starting to enjoy them..Next id like to invest in some mom use to get all the baby ducks out of the coop & stick me in a kiddie with them..My mom died when i was 4 & thats one of the greatest moments i remember the most & id love to give those type of moments to my girls..

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