New member KipKoop!


7 Years
Jun 20, 2016
Hello! I'm so glad to be a member! "Kip" is Dutch for chicken; I thought it would be a perfect way to honor my heritage. I am a new chicken mother, with 6 beautiful girls (? I hope girls) in a tub peeping and chirping happily. I built a coop 2 weeks ago but haven't finished the run yet. I have a one dog, Denali, a yellow lab/golden retriever mix, and three cats--Kenai, Kodiak, and Alyeska. I live in Virginia in a small log cabin on 3/4 of an acre. I am looking forward to showing off my coop!
Hi and

That is so exciting! Yes, there always may be a "surprise" rooster in with the pullets! When they're older, if you aren't sure if one is a rooster, you can post pictures in What Breed or Gender is This? and people should be able to help identify. In the meanwhile, I would suggest checking out the Learning Center. It has tons of great information. And, if you ever have any questions, always feel free to ask!

Thanks for joining us, and good luck with your new chicks!
so glad you have joined us. And congrats on getting your own flock.

Thanks for info on the meaning of the KipKoop - a great name for you and your new Koop!

Would love to see pics of all when when you get it done.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

We are so glad you could join us! Please do share your coop with us. We usually have a Coop Contest going all the time as well.

Make yourself at home here and feel free to ask any questions you may have.

Welcome to our roost! :)
Glad you joined us at Backyard chickens - will be anxious to see your coop build and any flock pictures you would care to show us.

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