New Member - Thirsty for Duck Knowledge


In the Brooder
May 27, 2017
Hello Everyone,

I am new to the site and the whole fowl world. I am an animal lover - and now the proud owner of a fertile duck egg (thanks to my dogs running the mother off of her nest!) It went in the incubator on May 9. I bought an incubator and from what I have read, am doing everything right. I am not for sure the type of duck I have - so don't know if it will hatch in 28 or 34 days. I read where you should stop turning the egg two days out - so I am a little nervous about that. I have been all over the internet and landed here for forums and knowledge. I read online that the ducklings should not be left alone at all for a time. Is this true? I am trying to learn what to do after it hatches, as well and trying to decide if we can keep it or if we should try and take it to a zoo or other type place to take care of it. Any advice would be appreciated on our duck dilemma - as we really don't know what we are doing - except for online searching and have ordered a book, too.

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