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In the Brooder
Jan 9, 2016
Hi all! I am Jeff from the great state of Michigan. I used to have chickens but moved to the city. Now I'm back in the country and building a new coop and flock. In the past I had Australorps and Barred rocks. I'm waiting for my new chicks which will be rocks again and speckled Sussex. Glad to be part of the blogs!
Welcome, Jeff!
Nice to meet you Jeff. Hope you enjoy Backyard chickens as much as we do. You may want to join your state thread. Just put the name in the search box and it should come up.
The Michigan folks are a great bunch of chickeners - friendly and helpful.
Hi Jeff and welcome to BYC- glad that you have joined us.

All the best
Hi Jeff,

If you haven't already, take a look at the Learning Center...there are a lot of very helpful articles there that can answer questions you might not even know you have.

Have fun with the new birds...the SS are some of my favorites. I have 2 in my mixed flock and they are so sweet and pretty.

It's nice to have you here!

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