New Member


11 Years
Jan 21, 2009
South Carolina
Hello from chilly South Carolina! I am new to the board. I am anxiously awaiting the hatching of the chicks I ordered. I have enjoyed reading all of the information here. I'm sure I will have lots of questions once the babies hatch and I go and pick them up. I have contracted a chicken tractor to be built by local high school students taking an agricultural structure class. I can't wait for the results! This will be my first experience with chickens...I have 5 cows, two outdoor cats, and two Chinese Crested hairless dogs. I also have two beautiful children
I confirmed my order today. She is setting Buff Orphington, Turkens, Barred Rocks and Leghorns for me. We'll see what hatches. I mostly want the orphingtons so I hope those hatch! I am super excited! I wish I could go and visit the incubator while they are there! Silly, isn't it???! The facility is at Clemson University. I know that my birds will be blood tested and disease free when I get them. One less thing to worry about!

Thanks to all of you for the warm welcome!

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