New member!


Jul 9, 2018
Central California
Hello everyone, I'm so glad I finally joined after lurking around the site for years:yesss: I hope to get to help out in the community and get help myself.
Some info about me:
I have been riding horses my whole life, doing cattle work and going on pack trips in the mountains. I have 6 horses and one mule, three dogs, 13 chickens, 3 cats, 4 quail chicks (one hatching at the moment), and one dove.
Hi and welcome to BYC. As a seasoned lurker, I’m sure that you are familiar with the site so there’s no need to help you with links. Please make yourself at home here with us and jump right in.

Best wishes
Pork Pie
Here are my two quail:
IMG_20180709_0912147_rewind.jpg IMG_20180709_0913188_rewind.jpg IMG_20180709_0914263_rewind.jpg
I am going to leave one of them alone right now because of an injury

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