New Member


In the Brooder
Jun 1, 2020
Hi everyone!! I just joined today and wanted to introduce myself. I just purchased some chicks from a hatchery about a week ago. They are currently in my house for a few more days so I can keep an eye on them. This is my 1st time "owning " chickens but growing up had many of my own that my parents purchased for me. I finally decided to start a little backyard flock a few months ago because I have always loved chickens and it's relaxing for me to just sit outside and watch them do their thing. So I made the plunge...25 chicks of which 10 I ordered for my parents although they may be getting a few more as my space isn't very large and they have tons of room for them to free range. Growing up my favorite chickens were Cochins and I had White, Black, Buff and Blue. I look forward to meeting chicken lovers like myself and occasionally picking their brains for new ideas.


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