New member


In the Brooder
May 30, 2022
Hi! I am a new member. I had four roosters up until a week ago when my youngest one passed away. I volunteer at an animal rescue and that’s where I got my first two roosters, as well as five geese, and two ducks. I have roosters because I feel bad that they seem to be tougher to adopt out. Maybe someday I’ll have hands… We’ll see… Thanks for adding me to the group and I look forward to all the good information I’ll get here!
Hi! I am a new member. I had four roosters up until a week ago when my youngest one passed away. I volunteer at an animal rescue and that’s where I got my first two roosters, as well as five geese, and two ducks. I have roosters because I feel bad that they seem to be tougher to adopt out. Maybe someday I’ll have hands… We’ll see… Thanks for adding me to the group and I look forward to all the good information I’ll get here!
It should say maybe someday I’ll have hens. I currently have hands, but also have typing errors…😂

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