New member


7 Years
Sep 12, 2012
Hello All,
I am new to BYC and although where I live does not yet allow backyard birds I am looking to get involved in changing that! I have dreamed of having my own brood and want to do what is needed to make it happen, as well as learn as much as I can along the way!

Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan

Good luck!
I am new to byc too. I got mine about 4 months ago and found it was much better to ask for forgiveness than permission. Just make sure you have understanding and cool neighbors first. and get breeds known to be quiet. Mine are LOUD and I am sure they wake the neighbors each morning. They just have so much to say and want to make sure I can hear them loud and clear. My neighbor on the right side of our house even collects egg cartons for a small fee of a dozen eggs whenever he needs them and Loves to hear my roo crowing 6:30 am-8:30 pm. As long as you have neighbors like that, I wouldnt worry too much. I have even heard that you can find coups made out of garbage cans so they are disguised incase anyone comes around looking for trouble.

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