New members from Ohio


In the Brooder
Jul 8, 2016
Lorain County Ohio
My name is John and my wife is Ladawn.
We are finally going to start raising chickens something we have wanted to do for 25 years now.
We are finishing up our coop and run and hope to have our chickens soon.
I decided to join this forum because so many questions we have looked up on the internet always seem to lead us here.
Thanks to everyone who shares their knowledge here, I know it is helping us.

Hi John and Ladawn,

So glad you have joined us. Congrats on your decision to make the plunge and get your own flock.

Good luck with the new adventure.
Welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us!
Hi John and Ladawn,

That's wonderful! CTKen gave you some great links, so I just wanted to add that if you every have any questions, always feel free to ask. I'm sure anyone would be happy to help.

Thanks for joining us and good luck!
Thank you everyone for your kind words and support.

Drumstick Diva We haven't completely decided on the breeds But we are leaning to Golden Laced Wyandotte, Buff Brahma, Buff Chantecler, Barred Plymouth Rock in no particular order.

We have been so busy for the last couple of months building the coop and run we haven't done much more thinking about the breeds. We live about 40 minutes from Meyer Hatchery so we will probably choose from what they offer.

We built for more but we will probably start with 6 to 10 birds.


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