New momma needs advice!

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My chickens tend not to lay when they are moulting. But if that isn't the case then I think it might just be a case of letting them get completely used to their surroundings. I'm also quite new to chickens so that's all the advice I can give. Good luck!
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Welcome to BYC
They may still be adapting to their new home and recovering from the stress of moving. Chickens hate change and is very susceptable to stresses, which throws them off laying. For other possible causes have a look here:

Hope you get some eggs soon!
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Sumi X2 Chickens can take some time to adjust to their new home and can stop laying for a while. Make sure to keep the stress down, don't try to pick them up, move slowly around them, talk quietly, keep the kids calm around the birds. It helps to go sit quietly with them every day on the ground. Bring some treats with you. Food is a wonderful bonding agent. You might also put some fake eggs in the nest boxes to let the know where you want them to lay their eggs. And just give them time.

You might also give them an overall exam looking for any mites or lice, any respiratory ailments or anything else that might cause them not to be laying.

Good luck and I hope they start laying for you soon!
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

X4, the chickens just need to time to adjust. Give them water, layer feed and calcium. Keep them as comfortable and stress free as possible. You'll be getting eggs soon!
from Washington! In our flock we have great people and it is always great to have a new member:) In our flock, we have no pecking order!


By the way, not saying that you will do anything bad, but no fowl play

Hope you get your first egg very soon!

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