New Orleans Backyard Chickens

We also live in Gretna and we 3 Plymouth Rocks that are now 4 weeks. The Coop is ready and just waiting a few more weeks to turn them out. Welcome
The Girls are in the coop and run at 5 weeks. They were very messy on the back porch so into the protected run.
welcome to the website. I used to raise chickens in Marrero and New Orleans east in the 80s .. Maybe we cross each other in my next trip back to NO. Have a great time surfing this web.

I have a beautiful and very friendly RIR rooster that I need to find a new home for. He's crowing early in the morning, and since I live on a small lot in Metairie, he's disturbing the neighbors. I hope he can go to a good home and that he won't be eaten. He's very friendly and will hop up on your lap to say hi. He's not aggressive at all. 4 months old and a pretty large, heathy fellow. Please send me a message if you live in or around Jefferson Parish and you're interested in taking him.
Do you still have him? I run Kasia's Ark Bird Rescue and get mostly roosters due to ordinances. 

I do still have him, and I think our neighbors might have gotten to be okay with his crowing in the morning. I am going to try and keep him for now until I hear any complaints, but I have asked the people around my house if he's bothering them, and they said it wasn't too much of a problem as of 2 weeks ago. My rooster is getting a little louder, it seems (he's still maturing), and he's crowing more often throughout the day, so I need to check up with the neighbors again and make sure it's still not causing a problem for anyone. Until that possibly happens, I'll make sure he has a good home with me.

Thanks for replying and offering to help though. I may still need to get back to you about this at some point in the near future if we find he needs to go due to complaints. Where are you located?

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