New Peafowl Videos


9 Years
Sep 16, 2010
Pensacola, FL
Hello everyone! I just finished making two videos for my English final project. We had to take two papers we previously wrote for the class and turn them into a blog posting, facebook page, or something like that of our choosing. Since I am not on any of those sites I decided to choose the Youtube option and I picked two papers I wrote that dealt with peafowl. I took both papers and edited them to make them shorter and less academic so that they would be better suited for a video. From there I recorded me reading the newly revised papers. I also filmed clips of my peafowl and myself drawing a green peacock in time lapse. I hope you all enjoy my videos!

A Dream Becomes Reality:

Dragon Birds' Plight
Very nice video's.
You even got a screen shot of my flock that was awesome, very nicely done, i would give you a 100 for a grade .
Love the drawing and words you put together both are great!
Thanks yeah I was trying to think of what kind of screenshot I should use for the peafowl section and I really like the group photos you do of your peafowl so I took a screenshot of that. :)
WoW! very good video. Thanks !

It would be also a very good material for English teachers in Vietnam .... Cambodia ... China and Indonesia.
Because the only solution is in the hands of young people in these countries .... education and further education.
How to send the message! ....♪♫ message in a Bottle ♪♫ !
...... FB is widely used in Asia !
You did a fantastic job! I am very proud of you! Both videos are the bomb - loved Dragon Bird's Plight the way you drew the picture as you spoke about the bird - speechless

Like Dany said if you can get it over to where the wild greens live maybe it can touch just one person and that person can make a difference
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That would be very interesting if I could send it to Asia... As I mentioned in the video I feel like there are some solutions to saving green peafowl that could be put into action. Of course I don't know the exact circumstances over there, but I figured that it would be easy enough for farmers to own a dog or dogs that would scare away peafowl or even have an organization that provides dogs to farmers who have a peafowl problem. Also I never understood the whole killing for feathers thing...It would be easier to have a peafowl farm for feathers because I would think it would be harder to search in the wild for a green peacock and kill it when you could just collect feathers from some peafowl at a farm. Although I don't know if green peafowl have any medicinal qualities in a culture like what you see with the tiger.

I had a lot of fun making the videos!
MinxFox, have you ever thought about volunteering or interning at a wildlife rescue?
It seems like a way to utilize your skills and interests, and could lead to working with, and becoming familiar with, a wider range of birds.
There are many such organizations in Florida, including this one which might be near you?
Just a thought - I know you're probably very busy already with school...
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There is a wildlife rescue place I know of around here. I job shadowed there a few years ago for school and helped clean the cages and animal dishes but I also got to hold and feed a baby squirrel. They also had me do several things for the birds they have at the sanctuary. I got to measure out the right amounts of meat for the birds of prey and I got to throw fish to the pelicans that frequent the sanctuary. I did that when I was younger and really shy around people, and for some reason the owner of the wildlife rescue seemed really intimidating to me so I never really went back except for the time they opened their brand new flight aviary so that they could rehabilitate bald eagles. I think the owner thinks I have problems because I had trouble talking around her because she just seemed so intimidating to me.
I am not as shy as I used to be so maybe I should try visiting them again especially since after next week I will be out of school for the summer. I could even try and get the whole youth group to come since I think everyone is always looking for some service project to do.
Thank you! I plan to hopefully make more peafowl videos in the future and to eventually have my own website up that will also have my peafowl videos on it.

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