New Peeps...YAY!

Bobby Basham

7 Years
Jul 20, 2012
Tucson, Arizona
Hey Folks,

I don't know if it's a good thing or not, but ACE Hardware out here on Houghton south of Valencia has been selling baby chicks for about six months now. It's been awhile since I been there, but I was pleasantly surprised. I live close to the new Taco Bell/Subway/ Travel Center accross from TTT truckstop, so I do my shopping over in the Rita Ranch area.

They have a dedicated aisle for ALL the supplies you would ever need, minus getting a coop. Chick feed, layer mash, pine chips, waterers, feeders etc. They even have a mini library section on chickens and gardening.

I know places like UPC discourages places like Agway and such for selling chicks in their stores because of improper treatment and neglect.

This particular ACE only gets a small batch of 25 sexed chicks every week from Privett Hatchery and they looked very well cared for. The chicks were all very calm and would come up to investigate a finger tip at the edge of their enclosure. They are in a locked wood case enclosed with hardware cloth and a clear 4-inch tall plexiglass around the lower border so they can't reach probing fingers at that height. Those that don't sell and grow bigger, they offer deals like a two-for-one sale to move them out for the next batch coming in.

I'm glad they keep the order small so that you don't have hundreds of chicks crowded and stepping on each other and suffocating, and the clerks say that they are really selling quickly and alot of customers were looking at them and making plans.
The chicks seemed very content and a few were hopping around while others were napping. They didn't act skiddish at all. They drink from water nipples and have a /\ shaped step ladder to run up and down. I think the employees give them plenty attention every chance they get, and that human interaction probably contributes to their calmness.

Oh, right now they only carry Ameraucanas and Delawares @ $4.99 each, and, I didn't inquire further, but they probably would do special orders.

This will be my project when I retire, but I'm holding back because of the health insurance issues. I will eventually buy a coop and enclose it in a dog run of some sort, since I live in an HOA. I also need to do some serious landscaping in my blank canvas back yard.

I can retire in 8 days, but it ain't happening right now. Need to finish up some other projects, before tackling the chicken thang.

If my post is old news, I apologize. Been so busy with other stuff and haven't kept up with all the postings. --BB

Bobby Basham
Tucson, Arizona
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