New Pekin Momma... Am I raising them right??

Momma Tabe

In the Brooder
May 2, 2024
I have been Googling (this forum repeatedly appeared) and have been reading everything I can, but want reassurance (or STOP! Don't do that!) from those who have been in my shoes and can provide some guidance. This is a LONG post, but I want to give everything I am doing to get the best advice possible.

My family lost our one dog on 4/3. She was my shadow and I was devasted. My boys (15 and 17) took a trip to TSC for "saw chain" and came home with 2 Pekin ducklings to cheer me up and give my "pet life" purpose again. I was shell-shocked but fell in love with these little, fluffy, yellow peepers immediately. They are currently named Lucille and Doug, though we don't know if they are boys or girls. As of today, they are roughly 4 weeks old...and BIG! I need to get an official weight on them, but guessing about 4lbs. Their feathers are just starting to come in and will "quack" occasionally.

They outgrew their brooding tub, so they were upgraded to a 50"x50" playpen with baby and dog toys. The base is layered in pee pads with pine shavings on top. I change the really wet, mucky parts (and poop plops) at least twice a day and the whole area about every 4 days, unless it needs it prior to.

I replace their water multiple times a day with electrolyte and probiotic powders. I found out quick how much they like to play in the water, so have it anchored. I feed them Dumur All Stages (what TSC said to give them) and recently added Brewer's yeast. During my research, I found they need vitamin B complex and extra vitamins, so I'm going to start giving them that as well. I give them small amounts of kale, peas, carrots, chickweed, and herbs (oregano, cilantro, basil, and poultry blend) as a treat here and there.

The temp in their playpen/room is roughly 72-74 degrees (regular house temp). I have an air purifier going all the time. They both open mouth breathe and pant occasionally, but I think it's due to heat (or maybe a little bit of stress). We have been having a lot of visitors because everyone wants to see the duckies.

I just started taking them outside for 30-45 min to let them stretch their legs and swim/bathe in a baby pool that's relatively a neutral temp. The past couple of days have been in the mid-80s, low humidity, but won't take them out if it's much cooler.

The only questionable issue is that they both have diarrhea. Dark and sometimes quite smelly. I can actually hear the "splat" from another room. I am assuming it's from being outside or maybe the recent add-in of Brewer's yeast??

When they are older and fully feathered, they will move to an outdoor run with a coop. Everything I look at is for chickens, so I found an oversized dog house I think I'm going to use. I don't want to leave them outside overnight... TERRIFIED to find them eaten... so I will keep them indoors in a larger 71"x79" playpen.

I have also been trying to get 2 more ducks since I read they need to be in a flock of 3-5 to start in case one passes away. Looking at either more Pekins, Swedish Blues, or Buffs. Any thoughts on those breeds are welcome as well.

Sorry this is a long post, but being a newbie to raising ducks, I really want to make sure I'm doing this right. I am just so afraid that I am doing something that is hurting them instead of helping them grow.


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Thank you for reading my long post and replying. I very much appreciate your reassurance about what I am doing. I've had dogs and cats, but want to be a good Momma to these 2 little guys.

As for the poop, I stopped giving them the veggie treats thinking that may be that too. I feel like they're on so many additives, that one of them may be causing it. I don't know how sensitive their little bellies are. It's like babies. They have runny poops for a while until their digestive systems mature. I'll give it a few days and hopefully, it improves.
It sounds like what you are doing is great! Gender matters a lot. If at least one is actually quacking, great, only girls quack. If you are only going to have a few, one drake is best. If he is a Pekin then you want only big girls.

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