New person here!


In the Brooder
May 3, 2023
Hello everyone!
My name is Christina & I’m a freelance artist from the hot, deep south. I am known as Mom to some teens & pet children. One of those includes a very spoiled Great Dane.

First of all, is it coup or coop? 😂

I am so new to chicken coup’ing & chicken parenting that it isn’t even funny. I have limited experience with them several years ago. My children & I helped my mother•in•law with her chickens (said children are teens now; one has flew the nest already). I remember the kids having a lot of fun and helping with them when they were pullets. One of our pet rabbits would go into the coup with them and just hang out. Time went by and my mother in law decide to give them to a family friend. I was disappointed but they did belong to her.

Fast forward to the present. I am wanting to start my own little chicken coup. They will join the family as our (my) new pets.
I am not shy when it comes to questions so I’m sure you’ll see me around.

I found this website on Facebook as I was browsing through groups. It mentioned the website so I decided to join.

I can’t wait to browse around and get familiar!
Thank you 🙏

I do not have any intention on raising chicks. I’m sure I’ll have many, many more thoughts, ideas, and questions.

I do want to know if 3 (still deciding on breed) pullets to start would be beneficial to them?
Three to four pullets would be recommended. Two is taking too much chance that something could happen to one, and leave a lonely hen.
Make sure that your coop can accommodate them. You need 3 to 4 sq foot each in the coop, not including nest boxes. You'll want 1' ea on the roost, and plenty of ventilation. More than 1sq foot each of ventilation is good, but in hot weather, more is better.
In the south we need a good size covered run, so they can have their waterer and feeder there. There are plenty of predators who love chicken, so mke sure to use hardware cloth, not chicken wire.
Place it in a shady area.
Howdy from south Texas 🤠! Welcome to BYC! :frow
Also brand new chicken Mom with absolutely zero experience, my girls are about 8 weeks old now and it's been a blast watching them grow. :D
As for coop vs coup, I'd say the latter is just as applicable since the chicks do have a way of talking over your life.... :eek:
Hello everyone!
My name is Christina & I’m a freelance artist from the hot, deep south. I am known as Mom to some teens & pet children. One of those includes a very spoiled Great Dane.

First of all, is it coup or coop? 😂

I am so new to chicken coup’ing & chicken parenting that it isn’t even funny. I have limited experience with them several years ago. My children & I helped my mother•in•law with her chickens (said children are teens now; one has flew the nest already). I remember the kids having a lot of fun and helping with them when they were pullets. One of our pet rabbits would go into the coup with them and just hang out. Time went by and my mother in law decide to give them to a family friend. I was disappointed but they did belong to her.

Fast forward to the present. I am wanting to start my own little chicken coup. They will join the family as our (my) new pets.
I am not shy when it comes to questions so I’m sure you’ll see me around.

I found this website on Facebook as I was browsing through groups. It mentioned the website so I decided to join.

I can’t wait to browse around and get familiar!
Welcome to BYC!! I call it a coop. 🤷‍♀️
Hello everyone!
My name is Christina & I’m a freelance artist from the hot, deep south. I am known as Mom to some teens & pet children. One of those includes a very spoiled Great Dane.

First of all, is it coup or coop? 😂

I am so new to chicken coup’ing & chicken parenting that it isn’t even funny. I have limited experience with them several years ago. My children & I helped my mother•in•law with her chickens (said children are teens now; one has flew the nest already). I remember the kids having a lot of fun and helping with them when they were pullets. One of our pet rabbits would go into the coup with them and just hang out. Time went by and my mother in law decide to give them to a family friend. I was disappointed but they did belong to her.

Fast forward to the present. I am wanting to start my own little chicken coup. They will join the family as our (my) new pets.
I am not shy when it comes to questions so I’m sure you’ll see me around.

I found this website on Facebook as I was browsing through groups. It mentioned the website so I decided to join.

I can’t wait to browse around and get familiar!
welcome to BackYardChickens! Its so nice to meet you :frow

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