New pics "GODZILLA" World Record!

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Little update on Godzilla. He is still with us and fiesty as ever! He's going on 2 years old now and seems very healthy. We were still never able to find another hen for him so he's just a bachelor now. Going to try in get him into the LA county fair this year. He is a sight to behold. Honestly if someone was to put him in your arms when you were blind folded and asked to guess what it was. I bet you would NEVER guess a chicken. Anyways all is well over here. Try to stay cool in this summer heat!

He was about 23# when he had a lady but after she died he went down to 19#. He is now back up to 21#. These weights come from a large digital scale that is used to wieght animals. So these numbers aren't guestimates. I guess he went through a little depression

Not really. He sit's on top of a nest box. Its off the ground but not by much.
He ain't kiddin no one.....
That is one of those Foghorn Leghorn halloween costumes....
It's probably a turkey in disguise. they are sneaky like that especially around Thanksgiving. I am sure there is a banty roo out there somewhere just waiting to take him on.

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