New RIR family from WV


In the Brooder
Apr 9, 2015
Hurricane, WV
Hi there BYC, my name is Erika Ford from Culloden/Hurricane WV.
This March our family took the leap and brought home 6 lovely ladies from our local Tractor Supply store.
Two days before picking up our lil' ones, I awoke from a dream with ALL 6 names in my head <3.
Margrette Scratcher, Linda Scrambleton, Olympia Duecluckus, Morgan Cluckchild, Hillary Chicken & Amy Farrah Fowler.
We ordered our starter coop from (I know right?) with the plans to expand it later.
From day one, our girls have been handled a bunch, because we not only want them for eggs but as pets, too.
Now as they approach 9 weeks old, they all have different personalities and have already brought so much joy to our home.
This will mark their 2nd week outside and they seem to love their new digs.
I will post a few pics from my phone in another post.... as I a on my tablet right now.
Thank you so much for accepting us into such a great community. I have already used some tips that I have read in the forums.
Here are the girls on their way home

They grew out of their "tub" pretty quick so we set up the coop in the living room

Their first time outside was so much fun

I accidentally dropped some on the carpet, and it was quickly snatched they are hooked :)

They changed so fast that we tied yarn around their legs to tell them apart, but now they have their permanent (momma made) bracelets


We just finished their coop/run conversion. They will be in this at least until Fall.
"The Trader kids grew out of it, then ours did too, and now it starts it's life anew"

And finally, here is my counterpart in this chicken-life adventure, Eric and his girl Olympia
Olympia is just sleeping RIGHT??
I think your husband hypnotized her. Be sure to check their "bracelets," often for tightness - they grow fast. And
Yes, Olympia just goes limp when he holds her. I guess she is that calm with's so cute. I know this lil boogers grown fast. It's so hard to believe. I made the bracelets with weak doll snaps to keep them from getting caught on anything.
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! Olympia looks very settled there it's a great pic. They really do grow so fast and quickly too. Nice coop/run conversion you have there.

Enjoy BYC and all the chicken chat :frow

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