New rollout nest design Picture heavy-edited 1/21

Opa, Thanks for the ideas for the rollaway design. I stole parts of your design, the angle and nest pads, to make mine and wanted to give credit where credit is due.

Also had a question.
How far from the nest do your eggs roll? It seems that the chickens are able to stick their heads or feet into the egg box and have poked holes in a few of our eggs. See the eggs that are under the nest pad that comes out of the bucket? Something has to be rolling them up there and I figure it's either a chicken or a mouse.

Thanks again for sharing.
You want to make sure that the opening is just tall enough for the egg to roll through. Some birds will try to reach through to get at the eggs. Since the average bird's neck is about 6" insure that the eggs can roll at least 8". A roll thru curtain can also help keep the hens for seeing the eggs.
Please bear with me for a sec... to see if I am getting this right. Hens will find the nest pads comfortable enough to lay an egg on? Once that happens, gravity pulls/rolls the egg back away from them and rest against the bumper. Right?
Please bear with me for a sec... to see if I am getting this right. Hens will find the nest pads comfortable enough to lay an egg on? Once that happens, gravity pulls/rolls the egg back away from them and rest against the bumper. Right?
That's correct. Also if you look closely at the nest pads you will see a directional weft in the grass like material. Insuring that they point downward will also aid in the egg rolling out of the nest.
You want to make sure that the opening is just tall enough for the egg to roll through. Some birds will try to reach through to get at the eggs. Since the average bird's neck is about 6" insure that the eggs can roll at least 8". A roll thru curtain can also help keep the hens for seeing the eggs.
Turns out, all we needed was a little time to see it for ourselves. My wife caught one of the chickens with its head in the roll out box. The eggs(first egg) rolls about 8" from the bucket, but eggs laid thereafter stack up and are within reach of the chickens. I'll extend it 4-6 inches and the problem oughta go away.

Thanks Opa,
Quote: Change of plans(because I fogot and my wife reminded me). We're gonna try some naugahyde curtains first, then, if that fails, I'll extend the boxes.

A curtain that is made of strips will be easier for the eggs to roll thru. I used some rubber similar to inner tube and after installing cut it into 1/4" strips. Works great
Is there any chance that I could get a copy of the plans? They look great! The only modification I will have to make is a way to keep the eggs from freezing once they go in... maybe some roof/gutter heating cable? I work nights so can't be constantly checking the eggs throughout the day. Doesn't take them long to freeze when it's 20 below!

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