New rollout nest design Picture heavy-edited 1/21

This thread is great!! I used your pics and dimensions you posted in this thread and tweaked them to fit a bunch of scrap lumber I had lying around. Ended up with an 8 box unit, nothing as pretty as yours, but I think it's going to work well. Just wanted to say thanks for the great ideas.
The inside of the nesting box- My husband screwed some golf balls down to give them the right idea. It seems to be working- they are using it! The eggs don't always roll out, but they usually do.

View standing back a bit. They like to sit on top of the boxes and look out the window in the morning.

This is the nesting box from the outside when it's open. You can see the little egg in there. The plastic nesting material was expensive, so I used strips of carpet for the back part.

This is the nesting box from the outside when it's closed.

Thank you so much for these awesome plans!!!!
I'm glad the plans are working well for everyone. Certainly is cheaper than buying a commercially built box. Occasionally I will have a egg that lies length ways with the welt of the mat and will not roll, however, usually the next bird in will bump it and it then rolls.
Thanks OPA. . . . you are helping out so many people. I still have to build my boxes in my first coop. I'm a new comer to this chicken thing. . . . but this post has given me great ideas. . . and love your profile picture! GO OPA. . . .

I bet know one messes with you or your chickens!

God Bless
Crazy Mitch
Hi, Opa -
I love this design & was planning to build one.
But it looks like all the pictures are missing from the first post.
those pics would be really helpful - is there any way you can repost them?


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