New Serama lover memeber!

Hi! I'm a new member and hoping to connected with other Serama chicken lovers! I fell in love with the breed this year, so I'm new to the breed as well These are my recent new hatchlings, does anyone know what the possible colors they will be when older?
Welcome to BYC! I am too a fellow serama lover. I'm in my 2nd year of having those marvelous birds.
Hi, Kaz. You should start your own new member introduction post, and folks will say hi. When you stick your greeting onto the end of an introduction from last spring, not many folks will peek in to see what's up. Can you see how to do it?

When you do post: do you have birds? What kinds? If you have any pictures or cool stories, we would love to hear about them and see them, too!

Best wishes and welcome to Back Yard Chickens!

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