New Silkie Project - Looking for Breeders to Help

riane'smimi :

I do like it's color..Now does it have to be bred back to a black or do you think a buff will do.I am thinking though myself that maybe it is a new color .It reminds me of a tri color ,like you would find in some dog breeds:plbb

I'm going to work on the color calculator and try to work something out to produce a tri!​
Did you not see my earlier post ? I question the merit of such frivilious "projects". That, and silkie feathers lack enough definition to make it look right.

It's threads like this that bring to mind the words of Nigel Tufnel "We've got armadillos in our trousers. It's really quite frightening.
Please do !!!!!! How wonderful it would be to have a few !
Now I will tell you all what's not friendly / That's Bob . I bet he is in peaceful sleep with visions of tribble silkies dancing in his head. All the while with them hidden in his secret Tribble Silkie house !
Not even so much of a hint that he has some and certainly not willing to share these cool little headless creatures with anybody.For shame Bob

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