New small flock raiser in E.TN


In the Brooder
Dec 1, 2016
So me and my daughter are raising 3 barred rock 1 of em is a rooster and 2 black Australorp hens. So far so good. I've read alot on this site and many others over the last 8 months or so. Our austrlops are new this week actually and what I've heard about the barred rock is true bossy bossy girls. But anyway happy to be on here hope I meet some good folks. Kurt
Hi, Kurt and welcome aboard! Great to hear that your flock is doing well and giving you eggs - nothing more satisfying.

Best wishes

Hi Kurt, it's nice to have you here! Glad you are enjoying your flock, chickens are a lot of fun (and the eggs are great too)!
Welcome to BYC! It's great to have you.

A word of advice, you will want to get a few more hens. Each rooster (especially youngsters just coming into their own) require a bare minimum of 5-6 but preferably 8-10 hens, to prevent overmating.

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