New sounds from my chicks


In the Brooder
Apr 18, 2015
New York
I have 6 Australians and 6 silky bantams.Many new sound as. My husband says he swears he hears one trying to crow. How old are they normally if you're to hear a crowing?
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It's always hard to tell when a cock will start crowing. It varies from bird to bird. They can start as early as 10 weeks or as late as 12 months. But know that if he is actually crowing, he is no capable of mating with the females.
Thanks for the info..We believe they are only around4-5 weeks but one makes a definite different sound.
Some precocious cockerels do try crowing that early. Maybe you can catch him at it. They will stretch their neck up high to crow.
We found out who is our cockerel.One of our Silkies let us know this morning.
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