New to Back Yard Chickens!


In the Brooder
Apr 28, 2024
Hi, my name is Evelyn.

I am new to owning chickens my self but I have experience with them from my childhood. I was so young I didn't really participate in the real care other than feeding and raising babies occasionally. Now that I am an adult I got my own chickens and have had a healthy happy flock that just turned a year old last February.

I have five Buff Orpington hens and one Easter egger rooster. The girls have great big personalities and love lives full of whatever chicken drama includes. We were given two easter eggers babies as a gift from a friend and unfortunately both turned out to be roosters, as did all of hers. We ended up getting rid of one of the roosters named Tommy as he was far too aggressive with the hens and me. We slowly integrated Marcy, our other rooster, into the coop and he is doing as well as he can with the girls so far. He was originally named Marcy because we thought he was a girl, he didn't crow until he was almost fully feathered while his brother was crowing in the brooder! The girls don't really like him but he is working hard to be a good rooster and win them over.

My favorite aspect of having chickens is watching them run around the yard. I find their dynamics with each other and the way they discover the world around them super fun to watch. I could hang out in the yard with them all day. I also love making them interesting foods like fruit popsicles and all that. They are more of pets to me than for any utility like meat and eggs.

I enjoy art and gardening as my other hobbies.

My chickens were originally going to be my sisters, but I ended up taking up their care and raising. She was just a bit to little and has always hated getting her hands dirty, I'm happy they ended up as mine though. I have three cats and one very obstinate dog we just adopted from a shelter this year. She is a golden retriever and border collie mix who would love to get a hold of those walking chicken nuggets as so she is working on her predator drive and reactivity towards the birds.

I found BYC when I was worried about my chickens health as I had a hen who was sneezing frequently. BYC helped me determine why she could be doing that. I decided to join now because I am always searching up questions about my chickens and getting BYC as the top search result!

Here are my chickens!



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