NEw To Backyard Chickens & looking for help


7 Years
Jul 19, 2012
Hi , I am not sure where to post a specific question , I was hoping someone here could help me . I have Rhode Island Reds , recently I had a hen go broody ( to my surprise ) . As you can guess I was pretty excited ! This is day 16 . Each day I give her food & fresh water since as I never see her move from the nest. My question is since it is getting close to hatching time , I know it is not safe for the chicks as she is just in the hen house and 2 levels up with the other hens & roosters.So I would like to move her to a safe place and hopefully have her raise them herself ? I just am nervous that I am going to do something wrong. I have a incubator all ready in case but I was hoping not to have to use it. If anyone has a good procedure on moving her & the eggs and for her to raise her babies ( if that's possible )herself I would greatly appreciate it . Thank you so much in advance!!1 Vickilynn
I don't move mine until after they hatch. If the hatch is over several days, I have been known to move the hen with what ever chicks hatch, and put the unhatched in the incubator. I put the chicks from the incubator back under the hen at night. My hens are free range and nest in the worst places!
I don't move mine until after they hatch. If the hatch is over several days, I have been known to move the hen with what ever chicks hatch, and put the unhatched in the incubator. I put the chicks from the incubator back under the hen at night. My hens are free range and nest in the worst places!
So once eggs start hatching does the hen sometimes abandon the remaining eggs? Should I look for signs that she might not be a good a mother?
They usually stay on the nest a few days, but I usually move her the second night as by day 3 the chicks need food and water. It is easier at night (but I wear gloves too). If there are unhatched eggs, I stick them in the incubator just to see if they hatch. I usually get a few more chicks.

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