New to backyard chickens

Chicken Nami

In the Brooder
Jan 10, 2016
Sequim, WA

I am trying to determine what kind of chickens I have. I purchased them from a neighbor who raises them for meat, I want them as pets and eggs. One is 20 weeks old and is the colorful one, I call her Eagle, although she looks like a rooster? She has no waddler or comb though, I am hoping she is a hen!
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Welcome to Backyard chickens. If you post photos of her at "what breed or gender is this." you will probably get a lot of opinions.
Hello and :welcome
We are glad you joined us!

Your colorful one is very pretty, but it is a definite rooster do to the fact of the tail feathers. What breed is it? It might not have a comb yet because of its breed. Certain breeds that turn out to be roosters will not get there combs until they are older in age.

Your "colorful" one is a rooster. Hope that works out for you, he is a good looking guy!

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