new to board and incubator hatching


11 Years
Oct 4, 2008

i built an incubator out of an igloo 48 qt ice chest. i used a wafer thermostat coupled to a 100 watt light bulb with a small fan for circulation. been trying to get the right humidity and it goes up between 35% to 85% depending on what pan i use. during this time the temp went between 98 degrees and 100 degrees. is it normal to have the heat go up or down depending on humidity level? i tried to hatch some pekin eggs but after candling them on the third day saw that they were infertile.

Yes, the relative heat will go up and down depending upon the humidity.
Do you have vent-holes in your incubator? If you put 2-3 up high, and 2-3 down low and fill them with wine-corks, you can open/close them to regulate the humidity.
Hi, and

How long has your bator been up and running? You have to give it some time to stabilize.

How many vent holes do you have?
Is your fan next to the wall of the bator?
Do you have any vent holes behind the fan to pull in fresh air?
Is the heater or air conditioner on in your house? If so, it reduces humidity. I have had my bator setup for a month now with eggs in it, but yesterday when it was cool enough for my A.C. not to come on, my humidity went up a lot.

Just some ideas to think about....
Where did you buy a wafer thermostat??? I have been looking locally, but I am thinking I will have to order online. What are they used for when not in incubators???
needmorechickens! :

Hi, and

How long has your bator been up and running? You have to give it some time to stabilize.

How many vent holes do you have?
Is your fan next to the wall of the bator?
Do you have any vent holes behind the fan to pull in fresh air?
Is the heater or air conditioner on in your house? If so, it reduces humidity. I have had my bator setup for a month now with eggs in it, but yesterday when it was cool enough for my A.C. not to come on, my humidity went up a lot.

Just some ideas to think about....

i haven't drilled any vent holes. the cooler has a hole at the water drain in the bottom and the front of the cooler bows out alittle making a 1/4"x4" slot. figured this is enough for fresh air. the fan is mounted on a divider. i'll have to post pics to show you guys my setup.​

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