New to building chicken coops


6 Years
Aug 8, 2013
Hello, I am Jared in arizona where it does snow I am building a chicken coop for the first time. I have chosen a plan like the the feather factory and the triple c. I havent built with wood in a long time but was able to get a bunch of free 2/4, some short 4/4, cedar planks, and a old palet. Any tips to keep it simple and not break the bank and I can get more of the wood if needed. Thank you and I so excited to get started also what are a good year round laying chicken and great with kids.
Jared Boothe
Welcome to BYC
I'd suggest looking here:

and here:

for designs and ideas. Have fun!
Check out the sections that Sumi pointed out above. You will find a lot of ideas. I hope you find the one that fits your pocket and eyes. I remembered when I first built mine. That's many years ago. That was someone taught me " a rick chickenman builds what he likes, the poor one builds what he can". I hope you like what you can afford.

Good luck with your project.
Thank you everyone for the great advice and I wont use the cedar then for the coop. I found the triple c I will try to replicate know to work. And thank you for a wonderful welcome

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