New to BYC: Greetings from Tennessee!


6 Years
Apr 4, 2013
Hello everyone! I'm very excited to join y'all and learn more about raising and breeding chickens. I've had everything from what turned out to be a bunch of game chickens (I really didn't know the difference, as they were the first chickens I bought at a flea market) to Leghorns from TSC. Right now, I have variations of the Rock breed - I have a Barred Rock rooster and two hens, two red hens, two orange hens, and a white hen. I have 6 red pullets in a cage in the house and they will be going to the chicken pen in about a week or so, after they are fully feathered.
The main problems I've faced so far in my chicken excursions have been racoons attacking and killing my hens (my coop is now a chicken Alcatrez) and my hens plucking each other's feathers and the rooster's feathers.
I've really enjoyed my chickens so far - fresh eggs, what's not to like? - and I look forward to exchanging ideas with everyone!
Greetings from Kansas, sami1784, and
! Great to have you in our flock! Have fun and enjoy!
Chickens usually start plucking feathers when they are too crowded in pen or coop & bored. Sometimes introducing a hanging head of cabbage gets them all excited and worn out for a while. If the chickens are actually eating the feathers - it usually indicates they need more protein in their diet.

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