New To BYC- Incubator, which one?


6 Years
May 5, 2013
Springfield, LA
I'll be the 101th to ask this, which incubator is good for starting out? Wanting to expand my silkie population and see a lot selling to hatchlings, so guess i'm buying an incubator now rather than later. :p
No, you're not the 101th person to ask this. More like the 1001th person to ask this! :p

If it were me I'd look at the Brinsea or Hovabator models. Both can give hatches if you are attentive and follow the directions. Fan driven, not still air, automatic thermostat. Picture window preferred for better visibility and with auto-turner unless you really want to turn the eggs by hand.
Thanks for the reply, looking at both your suggestions. I found some pretty good breeders but some only sell the eggs :( so a good incubator is definatley a must have if I want to extend to fluffy family.

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