New to BYC membership ☆

Becky Quinn

In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 1, 2014
Hi all *waves* I am a new chicken Mom who had a very rough start. I bought 8 chickens (2 sets of four a week apart) lost all but one! They seemed to have a contageous disease that somehow our EE survived. Since then I have been studying like mad as to not repeat the experience. Ordered from McMurry (with both vaccinations) and will be getting our new chicks in one week! So many times I have been referred back here when posing a question! Thanks BYC for a wonderful community! ☆
I do! Lol I have found that MOST of my questions have already been posted WHICH I FIND FABULOUS!!! Other than the sex of "Cora" my lone survivor! I am enjoying the mystery for now. If she crows she will be renamed Cory!
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Oh, I am so sorry for your losses!! That is terrible.
Unless you had a necropsy done on them, you may never know what happened to them. But at least you still have Cora! Give her lots of lovin and enjoy her company.

Congrats on the soon to be new chicks! Have you stopped by our learning center yet? Lots of good articles on all the aspects of caring for your flock. I will also include the link to a good article on raising your chicks for the first 2 months...

Enjoy this new adventure you are on and those new baby chicks! And we do welcome you to our flock! :)
Glad you joined us!

I'm sorry about the loss of your chicks.
Good luck with Cora and any other chickens you get!

Feel free to ask lots of question! We're all here to help.
Welcome to BYC!
We're glad to have you.

Sorry to hear about the problems with your first flock! I hope the other chicks and Cora live long and healthy lives!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sorry for the losses you had with your first chicks. Good luck with the soon to be new ones, hope they all arrive safely!
Welcome to BYC, Becky. Glad you decided to join our flock. I'm sorry about the loss of your chickens. It's always sad to lose some of our flock. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with Cora and in getting your new chicks.
I hope your losses are far behind you and that you present birds will continue to thrive.

Glad to have you join us at BYC.

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