New to BYC!

Charlie Lofton

In the Brooder
May 14, 2015
Hey I'm Charlie Lofton from Mississippi. Really glad to join with all the other chicken people out there!
Nice to meet you Charlie. You may want to go to" where am I, where are you,": in the social forum to locate and post on your state thread. You may find other chicken folk living near you. Welcome to the BYC flock
Welcome to BYC, Charlie. Glad you decided to join our flock. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. What kind of chickens do you have?
Thank you so much! I have BLRW and Buff Orpingtons. A also have a few silkies as playmates for my grandkids. They are so sweet! I have several kind in the bator right now, including what was sold to me as Gold Legbar, it stated they were extremely rare. I have also read they are almost distinct so I'm doubting that's what they are. Excited to see tho!

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