New to chickens, feed and watering questions?

I have a hanging feeder in the coop that will service all of my chickens at one time. I made it out of a 5 gal bucket and 4"pvc. Works great and I can raise it as the chicks get bigger. I also have a nipple watering system with 4 nipples inside the coop. By doing it this way I can leave the chickens in the coop if necessary due to weather. In the run I provide a 1/2 gal jug with one nipple in it for water and no food. I give them their treats every morning in the run. They have access all day to the coop and they do go in and out all day. I used to give them food in a pvc feeder outside but couldn't protect it well enough from the rain and ended up with wet food. I always recommend the nipple system which assures that the chicks have clean drinking water. I had a wall mounted wooden feeder in my brooder and the only thing that I would recommend with that is to make sure it is high enough that they don't billow the food out. They will also sit on it if the trough is too wide. Thus, poop in the food.
I keep my oyster shell in my coop in one of those little gravity chick feeders. Has worked find and it doesn't take up any space in the corner. I do not mix the oyster shell in the food.

I keep the water outside of the run since my chickens free range during the day. I have only one waterer for ten chickens and I have never had an issue with them not finding it. My chickens do not get water in the coop because they would make a mess. It won't kill them to wait for me to let them out in the morning.

The food goes out in the morning in a 7lb auto hanging feeder and goes in the shed at night to avoid pests from eating the food or attracting raccoons or possums at night.
Do you guys also keep your grit in a seperate container? Or do you sprinkle it on the ground? My birds will have access to only a 12x12 run during the day as Im concerned about letting them roam free due to hawks in the area, dogs and cats.
I don't feed extra grit because my girls seem to get plenty out foraging in their run. I do give oyster shell- I have that in one of those plastic rabbit feeder bins with a lid hanging on the wall. I keep food and water in the coop and additional water out in the run. I'm getting ready to build a covered run for winter use and considering hanging an extra feeder out there (I would probably hang it back inside at night). Welcome to BYC and enjoy your birds!
Im leaning towards hanging a gravity type feeder in their coop and placing a small gravity type pet waterer in their coop for the evening. I was also going to mount small tuna can sized containers to the inside wall of the coop with one containing oyster shell and one containing grit. On the outside in the run I was going to place a large heated waterer. In the morning when I open their door I was going to give them some fresh leftovers / treats in a bowl and toss some feed or scratch on the ground for them.

What are your thoughts everyone? Does this sound like a good starting point? Am I on the right track?

I started taking my chickens treats when I went out to open the pop door in the mornings to let them into the run. I am going to change that now because every morning they are there waiting at the door. Today when I opened it Annabell almost got out. I don't let them free range and the door opens to the great outdoors. Would sure hate to have to go on a chicken chase! I am hoping that they will soon learn to go into the coop at night and stay there. That way I could just leave them be with the pop door open. In the mean time treats will have to be later in the day after they have already gone into the run. Just something to think about.

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