New to chickens from central NY.


7 Years
Jul 29, 2015
From NY. (Auburn area) we have 7 mixed RIR and Leghorn. They are 1-1/2 years old. And not in the greatest shape. One is pretty sick and can't figure out the cause. She is not egg bond. Really not to motivated to do much but lay around. Really runny clear yellow and white poop. I treated for worms, but not so sure I should have. She will eat and drink very little. They didn't have the greatest conditions when we got them. Now they have a chicken palace according to my wife.
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Is it very hot where you live, it may be illness from the heat & humidity(?). Please post in full detail at "emergencies, diseases, inuries, cures," thread
Welcome to BYC!

I'm glad you gave those girls a helping hand.

Sounds like she may just be suffering from "older age". If she laid for a long time then she may be weak from that, perhaps molting. She may have egg yolk peritonitis or water belly or she may have coccidia (wormers don't get rid of this I don't think) or even a chronic virus. It is a good thing you wormed her, that makes sure she doesn't have any burdens weakening her. Get some vitamins (scrambled eggs or a store-bought supplement) into her and lots of nutritious food to help her rebuild her strength.

Feel free to ask any questions.

Best of luck!
Do you have her in an a shady, cooler area? See if she can be tempted with cold watermelon. If she won't touch it, the others will devour it.
She is seperate from her flock. But lays next to the run. She will drink water if brought to it once in a awhile. She is only 1.5 years old. What kind of vitamins should I give? I Deff don't want her to die. She has been like this for 4 days now. Not sure ic I should treat
She is seperate from her flock. But lays next to the run. She will drink water if brought to it once in a awhile. She is only 1.5 years old. What kind of vitamins should I give? I Deff don't want her to die. She has been like this for 4 days now. Not sure ic I should treat

You can use basically any good chicken vitamins or you can offer scrambled eggs for vitamins.

1.5 is, surprisingly, considered old age for laying hens, and they can suffer from "age related" problems at this age.
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Can i give her scrambled egg from the chickens that I treated for worms? We have just been tossing them in the weeds
Can i offer her eggs from the chickens that have been treated for worms? We have just been tossing them in the weeds. She did eat a couple of earth worms this morning and was walking around the yard a bit look for snacks.This site and the people on it are awesome. I have read and learned so much about chickens so far.
Can i offer her eggs from the chickens that have been treated for worms? We have just been tossing them in the weeds. She did eat a couple of earth worms this morning and was walking around the yard a bit look for snacks.This site and the people on it are awesome. I have read and learned so much about chickens so far.

How long ago did you treat them?

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