New to chickens in So Maine..


10 Years
Jan 16, 2010
Southern Maine
New to chickens and new to this forum....but so far I love both! This forum has so much information to offer and has helped me out with so many questions; I felt like an intruder so I joined! My Hubby and I got 10 Golden Comets last Easter weekend when they were 1 wk old. We have enjoyed every minute. (Even cleaning up...benefits to that, too.) They are now laying 9 or 10 eggs a day, and are just as much fun. It is a challenge to keep up with demand from friends and family wanting fresh eggs...they are soooo good. It is also satisfying to educate people as to how commercial eggs are procured and how the birds are treated!! We have recently added two birds to our flock.....not everybody is happy about that...the other birds that is....the people are thrilled. Maybe thats a topic for another post? I'll appologize now if I have something in the wrong to this!

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