new to chicks and have LOTS of questions!!!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 4, 2013
In with the chickies!
I decided to start this thread for all my chick questions since my "ceder shavings?" thread was getting a bit off topic. here i'll post all my questions and pics of them growing up! so right now I have 11 Rhode Island Red chicks their 3 weeks at the moment and are so cute! TIME FOR QUESTIONS!!!
1. belive this or not we keep our house at 80F. because my family HATES the cold so what time should we turn the heat lamp off the chicks?
2. at what age should we move the chicks into the coop? we live in TN.
3. what are good treats for the chicks?
4. anybody have names for them? we have three named all ready Fly, Jazzmin, and Red ~ the rooster ~
5.does anyone know a cheap place to get quality chicken wire?
that's all for now will post more later!
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let me refrase the question. the cheapest place to get quality chicken wire? if their is one...
There is a difference between chicken wire and hardware cloth. Chicken wire is the thinner twisted hexagon like mesh and it's great for say covering the top of a run so hawks can't swoop in and snatch your babies. "Hardware cloth" is usually a welded wire with different gauge holes that make it more difficult for say a raccoon to reach in and grab your chickens one piece at a time, as they would easily be able to with "chicken wire."

Check around your local home building stores (or Sunday's paper) because they often have specials on this. I know Menards in my area has a decent deal on hardware cloth. Or search online, although shipping might not make it worthwhile.

Hope this helps.
good info! :) very helpful I didn't even know their was a difference! well looks like I need to study more!
I've been looking it and I might get everything from lowes.
So glad to help! Homework is great! I don't know where I would be if I had not found this forum and started lurking a couple years ago. lol
I plan on using a mixture of chicken wire, hardware cloth and even an old 1"x2" welded dog kennel to secure my coop and run.
Just plan to have enough space, and secure them up from predators. And remember bigger is always better!
Good luck! This forum loves pictures!! Post them when you get started. Someone new will come along and learn from whatever it is you create as a safe place for your chicks! I can't wait to start posting my own construction pictures. :) Mine are still brooding, so we have a couple (two/three) weeks to get this sucker started. If only the weather was as eager as I am.
I can help ya with this one

first of all you probably shouldn't be using cedar shavings it can cause respitory problems. pine is mutch safer.
you can start feeding treats at about 2 weeks. when the chicks are fully feathered you can put them in the coop with the heat lamp on only at night. hope this helped!
When I got mine they had instructions get the brooder ready. My post office called me put the electrolyte pack in their water once they all drink and know where the water is add food to the brooder. With mine I dipped one of their beaks in the water and the rest followed. Make sure they have a nice warm area under the light but also an area out of the light as well.
If you get another chick which I did the same thing. (had 2 hatch under a broody hen ). I gave medicated crumbles. Mine are 8 weeks old in their own coop outside and we have a desperate coop for my ten layers
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I decited not to get the dominiques i'm fighting the urge to get some but I just can't get them for a few reasons
1. I don't realy want mixed breeds (my roo is a RIR)
2. I think it might be a little too soon for more chicks (I might get some next spring but now's not a good time)
Still no word on chicks or coop...
Questions though-
1) I ordered chicks from and paid the extra for the marecks disease vaccine for them. So question is if I came across another chick along the way locally... do I need to find out if they've been vaccinated for marecks? Or just add another chick and not worry?

2) How do chicks arrive when they are shipped? How do they stay warm enough? Do you meet the truck at the post office. Will the post office take care to keep them warm until I get there? Will they call me right away?

3) When chicks arrive should I put a little of the chick electrolyte stuff in their water? Check for pasty butt? What should I do for the best success in them surviving the trip to their nice warm home?

I want my chicks. I wish they would get here..Bok Bok! ~~~Sandy
1) Medicated chick feed.
2) They usually arrive in a cardboard box with bedding and holes in it. They stay warm with body heat (Usually why most shippers have a minimum number of chicks they'll send. I'm not sure. They will keep each other warm. You should be informed by efowl or the post office what day they are due to arrive so you can be sure to get them.
3)Yes. Yes. Just make sure the brooder is set up before you pick up the chicks and dip their beaks in the water when you get home.


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