New to forum, new chick pics


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 17, 2008
First off, although I am new to the forum, I have lurked here and found lots of good information on how to raise my chicks. I grew up on a farm, but haven't had chickens in over 20 years. We decided to finally get some layers because a) I don't want to support battery farms, and b) home grown chickens/eggs are so much healthier.

So here are pics of my 6 years old with his chicks, who he loves very, very much. The 3 weeks old ones are Barred Rocks, and the little ones are RIRs.



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Welcome to the forum. Those chicks are so cute and I am sure will be super friendly with your son handling them. Very nice!

Awww, how adorable!! Your son is going to be a great chicken keeper! I might want to warn ya one pic, your son has that chicks up to his face, be carefull. I for one have had a chicken peck my eye...OUCH! The chicks see something shiny, and will peck it! Be carefull! Oh, and welcome to the when are you getting that incubator!?? LOL
Welcome to the BYC!!!

That is so cute!!!! I love the pic of them all perching on his arms!!! I have another few weeks until I get my babies!!
Oh yes and I would have to agree with the 4 year old daughter had a close call with that too..she almost lost her eyesight..They saw her shiny eye ball and decided to peck at it and it deeply scrtched her carefull...Although i have to say...that pic is so adorable..the look on his face...soooo cute!! LOL.

And as long as he keeps handling them, they will be super friendly!! My kids (now 7 and 4) held ours all the time and now the girls are a year old and still want a litle cuddle time everday!!

Hope to see more pics as they grow!!!!
Did you do anything special to get the chicks to warm up to your son so much?

My 5 yr old cant wait. Hopeing we have similar experience.

Also...dont they poop all over you when you hold them?

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