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coops gone crazy

In the Brooder
8 Years
Jan 4, 2012
Just a note to say Hi! I've been lurking on here for a while now. I live in Oregon. We raised our chickens from 2-3 day old chicks we bought last April. Currently have 3 silver laced wyandottes, 2 'ameraucana' (EEs more likely- from the feed store and I think I just caught one of them laying a brown egg!), 2 black and 3 blue Orpingtons. One of the blues is nearly blind with bilateral catarcts. Poor Helen! But she still free ranges in the day with the others and is happy so it looks like we may need to update the little drop off in the yard with a ramp to meet ADA standards. Currently scheming to place some eggs under a broody wyandotte and build a back up ice chest incubator. This is becoming a strange chicken addiction and I think I am learning 'chicken math' quickly. I wanted to have a few hens. Now we have 10 and are plotting for more. Ah well!
from Southern Indiana
Welcome, CGC! Glad you've joined the ranks of BYC 'talkers' instead of merely lurking. Still, I'd imagine you learned lots doing that here. I did the same for a while, myself.

Chicken math really takes over quickly, doesn't it? Sheesh!
hey i lasted a while looking around just reading posts too, before i decided to make an account! Welcome its great to have you in our flock lol
Hey, congratulations on finally joining!

I know what it's like to lurk -- you can see by the amount of time I've had an account and the number of posts I have that I still do a good deal of lurking instead of posting.
Well, I try not to post unless I think I can help, but I sure learn a lot!

Anyways, welcome!!! See you around the forum!

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