New to it all!! Hi from Ariel


Aug 11, 2016
Ariel Washington
Hello from Ariel Washington! My fiance and I purchased our first home (finally) way out of town with some acreage. Well what happens when you move from a condo in the city to a house with room to roam...our kids wanted "animals" haha so we started with chicks and they seem to be doing well. I have to admit I was hesitant about getting the birds and now I cant imagine my yard without them. They have more personality than I ever realized!

I am now convinced that my flock is family and I talk to them the same way I talk to our dogs, kids, etc.

I have learned a lot from searching questions and finding the answer on this site, figured it was time to join.

Now onto finding a forum for my questions!

Excited to meet and learn
Congratulations on your new home, good luck with your flock, and oh yeah
Hi and welcome to BYC - sure is a great place for all things chicken, fowl. Theres also forums on other animals / gardening etc, so that will help you work out how to care for future additions to the farm

Best wishes

Welcome to Backyard chickens. Have you visited the Learning Center ? Very good chance it has the answers you are seeking + a lot more info.

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