New to raising a duck


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 16, 2013
Hi! Okay so at the moment I'm figuring out if where I lived is zoned for a duck but I wanted to go ahead and learn about exactly how to raise one and all. I had a duck when I was little and raised it inside but when it got too big we released it at my aunt pond and ever since then I've wanted to raise another duck but I wanna keep it.So what's the best food brand do y'all think? And what type of pen is best for them.any other info is appreciated!Thanks!

Thanks I didn't notice that! But I was wondering about how much it would cost to feed 2 adult ducks?I'll look into the raising them more soon but I wanted to know what all they needed once they're full grown.
The cost is quite variable. Fifty pound bags of feed cost between 15 and 50 dollars apiece.

Some people can raise some of their own duck feed, some have places ducks can forage.

Depends on the breed, too. Calls eat much, much less than Pekins.

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