New to raising chickens and have questions about ordering chicks


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 2, 2008
We are new to raising chickens. We haven't built our coop yet, should be go ahead and order our chicks? We should have it up within the next month or two. I am so not looking forward to buiding it. My DH is not much of a carpenter and I have seen prior projects

Also, would you suggest order them as opposed to getting them from the feed store? I heard those are generally not sexed and we want only hens. How many do you generally have to get when you order them?


Hi there and Welcome To BYC!

If you want only hens I would think your best bet is to order them. Several of the hatcheries will do very small orders and guarantee sexing- although there is always a chance of a small margin of error. I recently had an order of just 5 chicks shipped to me from Ideal and I know that My Pet Chicken will send you as little as 3.

Many people on here have bought and modified dog houses, playhouses, and sheds for their chicken coops. They seem to run a wide range of plain and functional to really intricate and with lots of bells and whistles. I think quite a few don't have a coop when they get chicks. As long as you have a brooder big enough to work until you get your coop up and you don't put the job of getting the coop off for to long, you could go ahead and get your chicks anytime!

Let us know what you get and be sure and post lots of pictures to share.
Im just starting out as well. I went ahead and bought my chicks from Ideal Hatchery. We can only have hens since my hubby doesnt like the roos. I couldnt wait to get my chicks. Right now I have them in the house until DH builds the coop. Hes moving at the speed of a snail right now, but the older they get the faster he'll have to be.
But to each his own I guess. Just do whatever you feel best with. And good luck!
I would say when you are ready, then buy them. They will grow fast and before you know it they will need their coop. I say get them when you are at least 1/2 way though the coop if not more.
I think if you are building your coop from scratch, order 1/2 way through. If you go with a pre-cut shed kit, or a small play house type of kit, I'd order them sooner. I just placed an order with, and it's going to be about 6 weeks from the day I ordered. Your shipment may take more or less depending on what you order.
Yep .... Coops always take longer to build, and chicks always need them sooner than you think.

That is my new *Rule of the day*
I don't have my coop built either but I have 8 chicks. I plan on having the coop up within the next couple months and by then, it will be warm enough to put the girls outside. I'm going to be converting a double story deck on the back of our house into a coop and run. Should be fun to build as well as interesting when it's done!
yeah, the chicks will grow FAST! I think we moved ours to the outdoor coop when they were about 7 weeks old and they were already more than half grown.
I've got 30 chicks coming tomorrow and no coop built yet. The brooder has been done for a week though and I'm right now monkeying around adjusting the height of my lights to get my temp as close to 95 as I can so that it's all warmed up and ready to go when the PO calls in the AM.

Don't worry about it, just know that you have a deadline of 4-8 weeks from when they arrive, depending on the size of your brooder, to get your coop built.

Big Charlie

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