New to Raising Chickens

Hi everyone!

I am Linda from NJ and back at the beginning of August I walked out into my garage after my son and his girl friend were here to find baby chicks - I about They were so cute and a few weeks later I came home and 4 more chicks. The story was that we were going to keep 2 or 3 unless one is a rooster (we have no idea how to tell if they are male or female, but we think they are all female) creative son has built a really nice coop from his head, no plans or anything. They have been in there about a month now, it is not completely finished but the chicks were big enough to be moved. I still don't know if we are keeping all 8 or if 4 will be moving. But if 4 move, there is a high chance we will get 4 more....I am loving them - the older ones are barred rock, I think and the others, I don't know.

But I stumbled upon this site about a month ago and am looking forward to learning as much as I can.

Thanks for allowing me to be here :)
Hi Linda. I'm new here too, but there seems to be a lot of helpful people and great information here. I have 8 also. I got mine in March and they are now laying eggs. I wish you all the best!!!
Hi everyone!

I am Linda from NJ and back at the beginning of August I walked out into my garage after my son and his girl friend were here to find baby chicks - I about They were so cute and a few weeks later I came home and 4 more chicks. The story was that we were going to keep 2 or 3 unless one is a rooster (we have no idea how to tell if they are male or female, but we think they are all female) creative son has built a really nice coop from his head, no plans or anything. They have been in there about a month now, it is not completely finished but the chicks were big enough to be moved. I still don't know if we are keeping all 8 or if 4 will be moving. But if 4 move, there is a high chance we will get 4 more....I am loving them - the older ones are barred rock, I think and the others, I don't know.

But I stumbled upon this site about a month ago and am looking forward to learning as much as I can.

Thanks for allowing me to be here :)
Sounds like a family thing - congratulations

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