New to site :)


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 13, 2012
Beautiful Southern Oregon!
Hello all!

Not new to chickens as I've been raising them for over 30 years, but new to this site.

I currently have 13 laying hens (Wyandottes and Production Reds), a barnyard mix rooster, and couple of EE's that I've yet to figure out if they are roosters or hens (right at that age they should be crowing or laying and they are not doing either), and 26 pullets that I ordered not long ago that are brooding in my garage currently (about to come out since they are 6 weeks old). I've also recently been bitten by the incubator bug which is something I've not done in several years so I've had some mixes I've hatched along with some Black Copper Marans which are hatching today.

I also raise goats and pigs, and turkeys are coming in the spring.

Nice meeting everyone :)
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I am Matt and I am glad to have you aboard :) I could help you sexing the EEs I have raised them for about 8 years and I am really good at sexing them lol...congrats on you chickens...I am planning on getting more but do not know where should post pictures of all your chickens everyone loves to look at them...if you need any help just let me know...
I am Matt and I am glad to have you aboard :) I could help you sexing the EEs I have raised them for about 8 years and I am really good at sexing them lol...congrats on you chickens...I am planning on getting more but do not know where should post pictures of all your chickens everyone loves to look at them...if you need any help just let me know...

I need to get pictures of the crazy two EE's. One day I know they are roosters and the next I'm pretty sure they are hens. They stay to themselves a lot, won't fight the mature rooster and only run from him, and they are frightened by everything. Seems like hen behavior but who knows.

I will try to catch up with them when the rain stops and get an updated photo.

And thank you everyone for the welcome!
Hello and welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us!
Greetings from Kansas, Shelshanam, and
! Great to have you here! Sounds like quite a farm you have going there. I think I'm going to try turkeys this spring as well. Best of luck to you and enjoy BYC!!

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