New to the BYC Flock!!!

Botsford Family

In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 7, 2013
Hello I figured I would do a little introduction.
I joined this site so that my family and I would be able to find information as we grow our little farm at my house.

we currently have 4 red crosses and we just bought 4 baby bantams that are about 3 weeks old now.

Welcome! I've only been keeping chickens for a year but it's been a great learning experience. Lots of information and advice on this forum. Enjoy your chickens.
Hello there,

I just joined BYC today. Our family of five, includes me, my husband, my mother and our two children ages 7 and 10.

We are new to raising chickens here in Annapolis, MD. We have 5 bantams peeping away in our brooder in the basement. Two mottled chochins, two easter eggers and a buff brahma. They are three weeks old.

Our coop is built and almost ready to house the little ladies in a few more weeks.

We are looking forward to a great adventure!

Here is the inspector giving me my permit for our coop.

Welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us!

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