new to the chicken world


Apr 11, 2022
Hi everybody! I am new to the world of chickens. I kind of accidently got into it. My son went to Tractor Supply one day last year and came home with chicks. One of the rhode island red hens decided to adopt me! She would follow me around the yard so I started talking to her when I was gardening in my flower beds. Soon, she would start squalking at the door until I opened it. I would pick her up and sit on the sofa and feed her treats. Now, when the door is opened, she comes in on her own and goes straight to sofa and waits on her treats. A lot of times she goes to sleep in my arms for half and hour or more, trilling and totally relaxed. A few times, she has flown up to my bedroom window and squalked and one time she flew up to the living room window and pecked on it with her beak! I would never expected to become so attached to a chicken but I am. Now, the flock has grown from five to 14 and we have more on the way.
It really is! At first, she would just eat the treats i would feed her but one day, I was eating a cheese danish and she started eating it! She loved it and I lost my danish! I know that people treats aren't good for chickens so I made her some chicken cookies using oatmeal, egg, cornmeal, raisens, honey and pumpkin. Of course, I give some to the rest of the flock as well and they all love them!!
Welcome to BackYard Chickens! We're glad that you've decided to pop in and join us, and we hope that you'll stay for a while and enjoy your time.
Good luck with all your birds! Chicken math is a truly dangerous thing. And do keep an eye on your food whenever the birds are out and about -- I once lost an entire sandwich to a curious hen! She tugged it off the plate and dropped it over the edge of the deck, silly thing.
Good luck, and may God bless you and your family!
How very wonderful that a chicken "adopted" you! It is a beautiful relationship. And, it sounds like she's got you pretty well trained.

Dottie, my accidental house chicken, can't be trusted around Aldi's all-grain tortilla chips; she will take them out of the bag and out of my hand. There's a picture of the chips on the outside of the bag, and she even pecks at that! She's also been known to run off the cat and steal food out of his dish.

Welcome to BYC! I think you're going to like it here, and we're going to like you.
Welcome to the community!
It's fantastic to feel connected to a chicken! They're addictive, I went from 2 to 13 in a year and then spent all my money on a new coop!!!
If you ever need any help navigating around here or you just wanna chat, drop me a PM or a message on my profile! And if you need any advice, come find me here

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